
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
January 16, 2022- What the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Taught Us
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
This Sunday, join Rev. Ashley Horan and Julica Hermann de la Fuente for a conversation about the lessons and ongoing challenges in our racial justice work, discussed through the lens of MLK’s legacy. As we once again meet online only to help each other and our broader community stay safe, we will leverage the chat in Zoom and talk with each other about this important work. In the first half of the message, Julica and Ashley will have a conversation with each other, and then you will be invited to share questions via the chat. Children and youth will also have a chance to share their thoughts during the time for all ages. Join us on Zoom for this interactive service as we continue to center the liberation and joy of Black and Brown people.
Words of Welcome- Rev. Arif Mamdani (:29)
Call to Worship- Julica Hermann de la Fuente (3:46)
Time for All Ages- Julica Hermann de la Fuente and Rev. Ashley Horan (6:42)
Song- We Are- Aimee K. Bryant and Franco Holder (15:23)
Prayer and Cycle of Life- Rev. Arif Mamdani (17:52)
Question Box Message - Julica Hermann de la Fuente and Rev. Ashley Horan (24:49)

Monday Jan 10, 2022
January 9, 2022- Remembrance Sunday
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Remembrance Sunday is an annual service that is a time to remember and reflect on our losses over the past year and to honor those we love who have died. This service can also be a time to mark other significant losses in the life of your family, such as a separation or divorce, saying goodbye to friends who’ve moved away, or any number of other things.
Words of Welcome, Announcements, and Land Acknowlegement- Julica Hermann de la Fuente and Isabel Quast (:22)
Call to Worship and Chalice Lighting- Rev. Arif Mamdani, Will, Alice (10:21)
Story for All Ages- The Buddha and the Mustard Seed Medicine- Lauren Wyeth (11:54)
Poem- Kindness by Naomi Shihab Nye- Margit Berg (17:58)
Sharing Our Loss and Lighting the Candle of Impermanence- Rev. Arif Mamdani (20:02)
Hymn- Aimee K. Bryant (25:08)
Prayer and Cycle of Life- Julica Hermann de la Fuente (26:41)
Reading- Blessing For the Brokenhearted by Jan Richardson- Janet Merrill (32:14)
Naming Ritual and Lighting the Candle of Memory- Julica Hermann de la Fuente and Rev. Arif Mamdani (34:05)
Song- Aimee K. Bryant and Franco Holder (38:21)
Homily- Rev. Arif Mamdani (40:47)
Benediction- Rev. Arif Mamdani (46:30)
Piano throughout- Franco Holder

Monday Dec 20, 2021
December 19, 2021- What does UUism Say to Our Suffering?
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Monday Dec 20, 2021
This Sunday, December 19, we enter into the heart of this question: what does Unitarian Universalism have to say when it all hits the fan? How can our faith and the commitments we hold in common help us to hold together when it all feels like it’s falling apart?
Words of Welcome and Calling Our Ancestors- Rev. Jen Crow (:30)
Story for All Ages- Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch- Rev. Arif Mamdani (8:19)
Prayer and Cycle of Life- Rev. Arif Mamdani (23:11)
Message- What Does UUism Say to Our Suffering?- Lauren Wyeth (34:52)
voice- Aimee K. Bryant; piano- Franco Holder

Monday Dec 13, 2021
December 12, 2021- Community that Holds it All
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Monday Dec 13, 2021
In these tender times, we turn to our communities to help us hold it all. This Sunday, Lena K. Gardner, Executive Director of Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism (BLUU), joins Rev. Jen Crow in leading our service as we practice being and building the world we dream about.
Calling Our Ancestors- Rev. Jen Crow (:20)
Hymn- Lift Every Voice and Sing- Aimee K. Bryant, Franco Holder (7:06)
Prayers and Cycle of Life- Rev. Jen Crow (8:52)
Message- Community That Holds it All- Lena K. Gardner (20:13)
Holiday Giving- Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism

Monday Dec 06, 2021
December 5, 2021- Soft Heart, Open Hands, Clear Boundaries
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Monday Dec 06, 2021
As we turn into the longest nights of the year, what commitments will shine like stars, helping us navigate through these troubling times? What if we aimed to keep our hearts soft, our hands open, and our boundaries clear? Together we’ll explore how these ways of being might help us live in alignment with our Universalist faith in the spirit of love and hope.
Welcome- Rev. Jen Crow (:30)
Story for All Ages- Lauren Wyeth (8:35)
Anthem- A Christmas Round by John Tavener- First Universalist Choir, Dr. Randal Buikema, conductor (12:49)
Prayer and Cycle of Life- Rev. Karen Hutt (14:42)
Message- Soft Heart, Open Hands, Clear Boundaries- Rev. Jen Crow (20:57)
piano throughout- Franco Holder

Monday Nov 29, 2021
November 28, 2021- Giving, Receiving, as Love Shows Us How
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Rev. Jen Crow, Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Isabel Quast, Franco Holder and Aimee K. Bryant lead an intergenerational service of story and song as we invite each other into the spiritual practices of giving and receiving and growing. Come find out more about Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism and our annual Holiday Giving project, and leave lifted up by our collective power that comes together when each of us shares what we can.
Humming Meditation- Aimee K. Bryant (:27)
Words of Welcome- Rev. Jen Crow (9:48)
Music- Wake Now My Vision- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Aimee K. Bryant, Franco Holder (18:17)
Story for All Ages and Calling our Ancestors- Rev. Jen Crow (20:12)
Music- Wake Now My Vision- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Aimee K. Bryant, Franco Holder (28:45)
Meditation and Cycle of Life- Rev. Jen Crow (30:16)
Message- Giving, Receiving, as Love Shows Us How- Rev. Jen Crow and Isabel Quast
Outro Music- Aimee K. Bryant and Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout

Monday Nov 22, 2021
November 21, 2021- Child Dedication Sunday
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
We celebrate the miracle that is at the center of the larger cycle of life. We welcome and name and dedicate ourselves to the care of nine children in our Child Dedication Ritual – and as we bear sacred witness to these unfolding lives, it is our hope we will see ourselves and each other anew. Each of us born whole and holy and worthy. Each of us important and ordinary and unique. Each of us in need of the larger community of this earth and this church to hold us in rhythm, each with the other.
Words of Welcome- Rev. Karen Hutt (:20)
Story for All Ages- Lauren Wyeth (7:27)
Calling Our Ancestors- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (13:23)
Child Dedication Ceremony- Lauren Wyeth and Rev. Karen Hutt (16:52)
Prayer and Cycle of Life- Rev. Jen Crow (22:25)
Anthem- Children Will Listen by Stephen Sondheim, arr. Brymer, First Universalist Choir, Franco Holder, piano, Dr. Randal Buikema, conductor (28:23)
Message- Rev. Jen Crow (31:52)

Monday Nov 15, 2021
November 14, 2021- New Member Sunday
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monday Nov 15, 2021
This Sunday, November 14, we welcome new members into our company. Our new members will be formally welcomed during our second service while our first will offer a renewal of membership and a blessing to those joining. **Both ceremonies are included on the podcast** Whichever service you attend, we invite you to “re-member” what it means to cast our lot with this congregation, day after day, week after week, as we affirm again the threads of connection that bind us to those who came before, and make and remake our faith for the world that is coming.
Words of Welcome- Julica Hermann de la Fuente (:30)
Calling the Ancestors- Julica Hermann de la Fuente and Rev. Arif Mamdani (3:06)
Story for All Ages- The Perfect Club- Julica Hermann de la Fuente (7:58)
Meditation Practice and Cycle of Life- Rev. Arif Mamdani (14:46)
Renewal of Membership Ceremony (9 a.m. service)- Liz Farmer, Daryn Woodson, Rev. Arif Mamdani (23:32)
New Member Ceremony (11 a.m. service) - Daryn Woodson, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Liz Farmer (34:53)
Message- Rev. Arif Mamdani (43:29)

Monday Nov 08, 2021
November 7, 2021- Building a New Way
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
We continue to build a new way of being together as a church community. The choir will sing – with some guest appearances you won’t want to miss; children and youth will be with us and we’ll share in a story for all; we’ll join in meditation and prayer and care, and we’ll ask each other – Can you feel a brand new day? Is today a day when you can feel it? Is today a day when you feel something else – worry or fear or sadness or grief? Is today a day the community can hold the hope of a brand new day with and for you? Does this day – like all days – hold it all?
Words of Welcome- Rev. Karen Hutt (:28)
Calling Our Ancestors- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (4:38)
Anthem- Everybody Rejoice from “The Wiz” by Luther Vandross (arr. Pete Eklund) - First Universalist Choir and Band, Dr. Randal Buikema, conductor (12:06)
Story for All Ages- Where Are You From?- Lauren Wyeth and Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (16:38)
Meditation and Cycle of Life- Rev. Jen Crow (22:20)
Message- Building a New Way- Rev. Jen Crow (33:50)
Music for Going- Sing Out, My Soul by Marques L. A. Garrett- First Universalist Choir and Band, Dr. Randal Buikema, conductor (46:15)

Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
October 31, 2021- Remembering Ritual: When the Veil is Thin
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Instead of our usual hour-long worship service, we invite you to join us for a ritual with music by Franco as the centerpiece.
Words of Welcome- Rev. Jen Crow
Ritual- Franco Holder, pianist