
Monday Oct 25, 2021
October 24, 2021- Be Your Note: Journeys into Prayer
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
“…sometimes, it can take a long time to sound like yourself.” -Miles Davis
This Sunday, Oct. 24, we lead a journey of creative prayer practices. There is no one way to pray, or a specific word you must remember. There are many ways to focus the mind and tune the heart to love.
We’ll share music and stories. We’ll have fun together, making space to call the wisdom in each of us, until we hear the singing from within.
Words of Welcome- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (:21)
Story- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (2:37)
Hymn- Standin' in the Need of Prayer (6:27)
Invitation into Prayer- Rev. Arif Mamdani and Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (9:09)
Silence, Community Prayer, and Cycle of Life- Rev. Arif Mamdani (17:00)
Poems, Prayers, Meditations- Be Your Note- Rev. Arif Mamdani and Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (25:39)

Monday Oct 18, 2021
October 17, 2021- The Demand of Wholeness
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
We are coming ’round the mountain – heading toward a critical city election, toward more church gatherings possible in person, toward fall and the winter holidays, through another cycle of life. How might we relax into this familiar rhythm and circle round the mountain, orienting ourselves toward what matters most as we travel through unpredictable terrain? We let story and song and the wisdom of the indomitable Nina Simone guide us.
Words of Welcome- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (:29)
Celebrating 10 Years with Dr. Randal Buikema, Director of Choral Arts (12:23)
Community Prayer and Cycle of Life- Rev. Jen Crow (21:38)
Anthem- The Us of Me by David L. Brunner- First Universalist Choir, Dr. Randal Buikema, Franco Holder, piano (27:00)
Message- The Demand of Wholeness- Rev. Jen Crow (33:23)

Monday Oct 11, 2021
October 10, 2021- Are We There Yet?
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
No matter how many times we make our way through the changes life brings, we may still find ourselves wondering if there isn’t some other way around the mountain. This Sunday, October 10, we explore the cycles and spirals of life while challenging ourselves to grow in compassion and commitment each time we make our way through.
Prelude and Words of Welcome- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (:35)
Story for All Ages- Julica Hermann de la Fuente (14:20)
Song- Break Not the Circle- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (21:25)
Community Prayer & Cycle of Life- Rev. Jen Crow (25:16)
Message- Are We There Yet?- Rev. Jen Crow (33:37)
Benediction and Postlude (49:08)

Monday Oct 04, 2021
October 3, 2021- Risking Balance
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Words of Welcome- Rev. Jen Crow (1:21)
Hymn- Blue Boat Home, First Universalist Choir, Dr. Randal Buikema, conductor, Franco Holder, piano (5:46)
Story for All Ages- Lauren Wyeth (9:37)
Collective Prayer - Rev. Jen Crow (16:23)
Anthem- O Light, Awaken by Mark Patterson- First Universalist Choir, Dr. Randal Buikema, conductor, Franco Holder, piano

Monday Sep 27, 2021
September 26, 2021- When Control Can‘t Carry Us
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
If we’ve learned anything these last 18 months, we’ve learned that try as we might, we cannot always control how things turn out. If control cannot carry us, then what can? Unitarian Universalist theologian Dr. Sharon Welch suggests that an ethic of risk may be at the center of what allows us to persist in building the world and the lives of love and justice we long for, even in the face of partial victories and continued defeats. Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Franco Holder, Julica Hermann de la Fuente, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Dr. Randy Buikema, and the First Universalist Choir lead the service.
Words of Welcome- Rev. Arif Mamdani (:30)
Story for All Ages- Julica Hermann de la Fuente (4:43)
Anthem- The Road Home by Stephen Paulus- First Universalist Choir, Dr. Randal Buikema- conductor
Message- When Control Can't Carry Us- Julica Hermann de la Fuente
Vocalists: Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Aimee K. Bryant
Pianist: Franco Holder

Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
September 19, 2021- When the Waters are Held Back
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Gathering in person at Minnehaha Falls, we immerse ourselves in the imagery of water and the power of the river as we remember the strength of the stones in the banks we build, and the well-worn groove of the river bed that waits for us, whatever the season. We remember the ritual of Water Communion and the symbolic ingathering it represents and we will intentionally hold back the waters for now, waiting with each other, for the fullness of our hoped-for return to our building in November and the joy it will bring. Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Aimee K. Bryant, Franco Holder, Lauren Wyeth, and Revs. Arif Mamdani and Jen Crow lead the service.
Words of Welcome- Rev. Jen Crow (:29)
Song- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout and Aimee K. Bryant (7:10)
Time for All Ages- Aimee K. Bryant (9:47)
Body and Community Prayer- Lauren Wyeth and Rev. Arif Mamdani (15:40)
Message- Rev. Jen Crow (26:35)

Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
September 12, 2021- Backpack Blessing/What We Need Is Here
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
This multigenerational service of song, story, and strength as we remember that no matter what is going on around us or within us, when we are in it together – what we need is here. Backpacks will be blessed for those who carry them, and all of us will come away with the joy of community and a grounding in our deepest commitments.
Worship leaders: Rev. Jen Crow, Lauren Wyeth, Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Rev. Karen Hutt

Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
August 29, 2021- what if god was in space?
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Where love and connection reside, there is the location of god. Join Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Julica Hermann de la Fuente, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Franco Holder, the First Universalist Choir (directed by Dr. Randy Buikema), and other worship leaders for worship at on Sunday, August 29 as we gather and reflect, held together by story, prayer, poem, and song.
Words of Welcome- Rev. Arif Mamdani (:31)
Story for All Ages- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (10:47)
Prayer and Meditation- Julica Hermann de la Fuente (24:38)
Anthem- Shenandoah- First Universalist Choir, Dr. Randal Buikema, conductor (35:52)
Interlude- Franco Holder, piano (39:44)
Closing Words- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (41:31)

Monday Aug 23, 2021
August 22, 2021- One Of Us- Rev. Arif Mamdani
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Going slow to go fast. Heeding the lessons from geese. These last several weeks, our services have invited us to reflect on how it is that we do this thing called religious community. This Sunday, we continue this exploration as we lift up a concrete approach to the challenges that can arise when human beings try to do things together.
Words of Welcome- Rev. Jen Crow (:30)
Story for All Ages- The Messiah is Amongst You- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (8:07)
Prayer and Cycle of Life- Rev. Karen Hutt (14:43)
Message- One Of Us- Rev. Arif Mamdani (21:04)
Introduction and Anthem- How Can I Keep from Singing- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, First Universalist Choir, Dr. Randal Buikema (conductor), Franco Holder (piano), and the First Universalist Orchestra. (38:13)

Monday Aug 16, 2021
August 15, 2021- Lessons from Canada Geese- First U Worship Team
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
This Sunday, we worship at the Lake Harriet Bandshell! Worship leaders Aimee K. Bryant, Franco Holder, Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Julica Hermann de la Fuente, Rev. Jen Crow, Lauren Wyeth, and Rev. Karen Hutt will lead and inspire us through music, story, and message, and challenge us to consider what we might learn from — among other things — Canadian geese.
Words of Welcome- Rev. Jen Crow (:30)
Story for All Ages- Sue Searing (7:08)
Prayer and Cycle of Life- Rev. Arif Mamdani (12:26)
Reading- Lessons from Canada Geese- Julica Hermann de la Fuente and Rev. Karen Hutt (21:51)
Song- What Wonderous Love- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (24:54)
Message- Rev. Karen Hutt and Lauren Wyeth (27:39)