
Monday May 17, 2021
May 16, 2021- Who You Are- Rev. Justin Schroeder
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Rev. Justin writes: Twelve years ago, I was preparing to begin my ministry with First Universalist. Outside of my candidating week with you all, I only knew you on paper. After 12 years together, a time of growth, learning, and journeying through the ups and downs of life, you know me much better, and I know you (as a congregation) much better as well – your strength, your passion, your creativity, your commitment, and your care. As I prepare to leave First Universalist on June 6th, I want to tell you, beloveds, who you are, and who I see you becoming, as a faith community. Though I’ll be involved in worship on June 6th, this is my last full sermon before I leave, and I hope you’ll join us.
Words of Welcome- Rev. Justin Schroeder (:21)
Story for All Ages- Lauren Wyeth (2:38)
Interlude- One Voice by Ruth Moody- Andrew Tralle (8:30)
Prayer and Cycle of Life- Rev. Jen Crow (11:48)
Message- Who You Are- Rev. Justin Schroeder (18:50)

Monday May 10, 2021
May 9, 2021- Coming of Age Sunday
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Coming of Age is a beloved tradition in Unitarian Universalism. Instead of asking our youth to sign on to a particular creed or dogma, we charge them with discerning for themselves what they hold dear, using the 7 principles as a guide. To round out the Coming of Age experience, each student is asked to distill their core beliefs about life, God, and humanity into a personal statement of belief.
Words of Welcome- Rev. Arif Mamdani, Claire Tralle, Emma Paskewitz
Call to Worship- Lilia (6:32)
Story for All Ages- Henry (12:40)
Music for Gathering- Julica, Aliana, Skyler (14:55)
Prayer and Cycle of Life- Rev. Justin Schroeder (16:07)
Homily- Rev. Arif Mamdani, Eli, Finn, Binyam, Haley (21:35)
Special Music- Lucien (38:48)
Closing Words- Carolyn (40:13)

Monday May 03, 2021
May 2, 2021- Mind the Gap- Rev. Arif Mamdani
Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
The phrase “mind the gap” serves as a warning on the London subway system, encouraging riders to pay attention to the threshold between the subway platform and the subway car. A little closer to home, the phrase “mind the gap” also highlights the importance of thresholds in our own lives. This month, our May worship theme of “thresholds” invites us to be mindful of our own thresholds and the thresholds in the world around us. Join Rev. Arif, Aimee K. Bryant, and Rev. Justin for a service that opens up this theme of thresholds and invites us to notice the many thresholds in our lives, past, present, and future.
Words of Welcome- Rev. Arif Mamdani (:29)
Wisdom Story- Aimee K. Bryant (4:04)
Special Music- Come My Way, Travis Waymon and Franco Holder (13:52)
Prayer and Cycle of Life- Rev. Justin Schroeder (15:38)
Special Music- Holy Now by Peter Mayer- David Lauth (22:51)
Message- Mind the Gap- Rev. Arif Mamdani (27:16)
Outro Music- For All That Is Our Life- Fawzia Khan

Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
April 25, 2021- Transformational Practice- Rev. Jen Crow
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Each week, we encourage and inspire one another in our transformational spiritual practices. Together, we practice recovery from racism and white supremacy culture. We practice connection with ourselves, each other, the earth, and the holy. We practice creating community that embodies love, joy, and liberation. We practice not to arrive at some one-and-done finish line, but to transform and be transformed. This Sunday, April 25, we gather strength for the journey of transformation.
Words of Welcome- Rev. Jen Crow (:29)
Wisdom Story- Aimee K. Bryant (2:18)
Prayer and Cycle of Life- Rev. Arif Mamdani (8:38)
Message- Transformational Practice- Rev. Jen Crow (14:27)
Welcoming Our Newest Members- Rev. Arif Mamdani (35:04)

Monday Apr 19, 2021
April 18, 2021- The Paradise of Unbroken Solidarities- Rev. Jen Crow
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
In the midst of unending human-made sorrow, how can we feel what we need to feel and keep on moving toward transformation? How will we ever find the Universalist paradise of a circle wide enough to include us all and a love so strong that it will not let any one of us go? Author Rebecca Solnit offers up this possibility: perhaps paradise is as simple as unbroken solidarity. This Sunday, April 18, we explore the possibility of a world of unbroken solidarities.
Words of Welcome- Rev. Jen Crow (:21)
Wisdom Story for All Ages- Rev. Arif Mamdani (3:09)
Musical Response- Motherless Child - Aimee K. Bryant and Franco Holder (8:34)
Prayer - Julica Hermann de la Fuente and Lauren Wyeth (12:00)
Message, pt. 1- Yahanna Mackbee (15:58)
Musical Response- Ella's Song- Ani Peichel (23:47)
Message, pt. 2- The Paradise of Unbroken Solidarities, Rev. Jen Crow- (25:45)

Monday Apr 12, 2021
April 11, 2021- The Holy Fool- Rev. Justin Schroeder
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Sometimes we think of the religious life as serious and staid. But in every faith and spiritual tradition, there exists a trickster, fool, clown, jester, buffoon, or “simpleton” that disrupts, mocks, pokes fun at, and questions authority—religious and otherwise. The purpose of the “holy fool” is to upend what we think we know, to shatter our perceptions of what is real, and to reveal a deeper truth. Play, playfulness, riddles, and humor are all tools of the “holy fool,” designed to snap us out of our waking slumber, out of our certainty, and into a new understanding of life and ourselves. In this time of environmental collapse, of racial justice uprising, of life altered by a pandemic, what might we learn from the “holy fools” of history, from the “holy fools” of our own time, and how might we embody and practice holy foolishness? Worship on Sunday, April 11 at 10 a.m. includes a story for all ages, sharing our joys and concerns, special music, and a message.
Words of Welcome- Rev. Justin Schroeder (:31)
Wisdom Story- Aimee K. Bryant (5:54)
Prayer and Cycle of Life (10:50)
Anthem- Concerto: A Pandemic-Inspired Performance- Members of First Universalist Choir; Dr. Randy Buikema, conductor; Franco Holder, pianist (17:32)
Message- The Holy Fool- Rev. Justin Schroeder (23:11)

Monday Apr 05, 2021
April 4, 2021-Practicing Resurrection in this Moment - Rev. Justin Schroeder
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Easter is about new life, new hope, and resurrection of the spirit in the face of despair. Easter speaks to a miraculous force and a love that is stronger than death. In this time of global pandemic and this time of the trial of Derek Chauvin (which has global implications), how do we make sense of Easter? Easter speaks to the timeless cycle of death and rebirth, and this Easter, we ask, “Given the world as it is, what in us might die, so that something new and life giving might be born?”
Words of Welcome- Rev. Justin Schroeder (:30)
Wisdom Story - Lauren Wyeth (5:31)
Interlude- Lo The Earth Awakes Again- Members of First Universalist Choir
Message pt. 1- Practicing Resurrection in this Moment- Rev. Justin Schroeder (13:28)
Special Music- Lift Every Voice and Sing- Give Get Sistet (26:41)
Message pt. 2- Practicing Resurrection in this Moment- Rev. Justin Schroeder and Julica Hermann de la Fuente (28:44)
Hymn- Over My Head- Aimee K. Bryant and Franco Holder (39:41)

Monday Mar 29, 2021
March 28, 2021- To Care About One Another- Rev. Karen Hutt
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
First Universalist is a church that cares about its members and friends. We demonstrate this care in all kinds of ways and we also care deeply about the world outside of ourselves. Yet sometimes, the historic nature of liberal religious enlightenment takes us away from feelings, suffering and pain. Many of us do not reach out when we need help, when we need healing, or when we need the nurturing of human care.
This Sunday, March 28 at 10 a.m., learn about WE CARE Ministries at First Universalist. Find out more about how to become a care seeker or a care provider.
Words of Welcome- Rev Karen Hutt (:21)
Wisdom Story- Seth Anderson-Matz (1:47)
Anthem- I Just Called to Say I Love You- First Universalist Choir, Dr. Randal Buikema, conductor (4:02)
Prayer and Cycle of Life- Rev. Arif Mamdani (6:42)
Message- To Care About One Another... It's Not That Hard!- Rev. Karen Hutt (12:59)
Outro- Lean On Me- Aimee K. Bryant and Franco Holder

Monday Mar 22, 2021
March 21, 2021- Collective Truth, Collective Power- Rev. Jen Crow
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Each of us has a piece of the truth, and together, we are so much wiser and braver. Together, we have strength and imagination, accountability and encouragement big enough for transformation. When each of us brings what we can, including our vulnerability, we have the collective power to build a community of liberation and joy. Join us as we explore our collective truth and our collective power, with a special cameo appearance from a modern day UU superhero.
Words of Welcome - Rev. Jen Crow (:31)
Story for All Ages- Aimee K. Bryant (4:46)
Hymn- All Creatures of the Earth and Sky- First Universalist Choir, Dr. Randal Buikema, Franco Holder- (8:30)
Prayer and Cycle of Life- Rev. Justin Schroeder (11:10)
Message- Collective Truth, Collective Power- Rev. Jen Crow (22:50)
Outro Music - Aimee K. Bryant and Franco Holder

Monday Mar 15, 2021
March 14, 2021 - How Do You Measure a Year? - Rev. Justin Schroeder
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
How do you measure a year? How do you measure “five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes?” The hit song from “Rent,” invites us to measure a year in love, and that’s certainly a good measure. But this past year has been full and complicated: fear, grief, loss, struggles with mental health, slowing down, re-evaluating everything, new rituals, recipes, and cooking adventures, and the death of loved ones are ways many of us have measured this past year.
This Sunday, March 14 we will mark the one year anniversary of the pandemic, make meaning of what we’ve experienced, acknowledge we’re not through it yet, and lift up ways to care for ourselves and one another as we move through the third quarter of the pandemic.
Words of Welcome - Rev. Justin Schroeder (:30)
Story for All Ages - Lauren Wyeth (3:19)
Interlude- Where You Go, by Shoshana Jedwab- Adrian and Juliet- (8:22)
Message- How Do You Measure a Year? - Rev. Justin Schroeder (9:13)
Interlude and Outro music by The OK Factor