
Monday Mar 04, 2019
March 3, 2019 - Stretching the Circle
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Monday Mar 04, 2019
This month we consider what the theme of sacrifice might mean for us as Unitarian Universalists. In a world where sacrifice has so often meant the destruction of the less powerless for the pleasure or salvation of the powerful, what value can this concept possibly hold for us? Come join the conversation as we consider stretching the circle of "I" to include a much larger "we."
Wisdom Story: Rev. Justin Schroeder
Sermon: Rev. Jen Crow
Piano music: Franco Holder

Monday Feb 25, 2019
February 24, 2019 - What We Build Together
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Guest preacher Rabbi Michael Latz, senior Rabbi of Shir Tikvah in Minneapolis, gives a sermon about history, co-location, and Vision.
Worship Associate: Jason Berry
Sermon: Rabbi Michael Latz

Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
February 17, 2019 - The Purpose-Driven Church, Pt.2
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
In 2011, Rev. Justin preached a sermon called “The Purpose Driven Church.” Now, eight years later, he's preaching part 2, as we explore our theme of “Vision” and the deeper purposes of faith community. As Oscar Romero said, “A church that doesn’t provoke any crises, a gospel that doesn’t unsettle, a word of God that doesn’t get under anyone’s skin, a word of God that doesn’t touch the real sin of the society in which it is being proclaimed — what gospel is that?” In this service, we’ll explore our purpose, the power of an unsettling gospel, and where that is leading us.
Worship Associate: Juliet Ali-Caccamo
Sermon: Rev. Justin Schroeder
Piano music: Franco Holder

Monday Feb 11, 2019
February 10, 2019 - Wake Now Our Vision
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Meditation has taught me that each breath is new and unique, and worthy of my full attention. My Unitarian Universalist faith teaches me that this is true for each interaction with another human being. When I am deeply attentive, not assuming I know what my breath or the person in front of me is going to do, I open up to the holy, to the possible. All of a sudden, my assumptions, “shoulds,” and expectations are sidelined, and a wide open horizon unfolds in front of me, a whole new vision of what could be. What happens when we, as community, practice putting down our assumptions, “shoulds,” and expectations? Does a whole new vision wake up in us?
Worship Associate: Pamela Reed
Reading: Our Visions are Ropes through the Devastation, adrienne marie brown
Sermon: Rev. Justin Schroeder
Piano: Franco Holder

Monday Feb 04, 2019
February 3, 2019 - When Vision Fails
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Monday Feb 04, 2019
As we move into our new worship theme of “Vision,” we’ll consider all that our lofty goals and aspirations give to us, and what we can do when we lose our way. What happens when that clear idea of what was right comes into contact with the realities of our lives or the discomfort that moving toward our ideals might bring? How do we find our way again when we are lost?
Wisdom Story: The Most Magnificent Thing, Rev. Elaine Aron-Tenbrink (& Rev. Justin Schroeder as "the kid.")
Reading: Under Ideal Conditions by Al Zolynas
Sermon: When Vision Fails by Rev. Jen Crow, read by Rev. Elaine Aron-Tenbrink

Monday Jan 28, 2019
January 27, 2019 - Rama Who?
Monday Jan 28, 2019
Monday Jan 28, 2019
Our bodies ain’t what they used to be. Our bodies have a history of collective change. Our bodies are the repositories of science in motion. Our bodies are an amazing biological story of adaptation. Come and celebrate human potential while taking a deep dive off the cliff of mystery and change.
Call to Worship: Drew Rosielle
Sermon: Rev. Karen Hutt
Piano: Franco Holder

Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
January 20, 2019- Love Is Resistance
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
In his 1967 speech, “Where Do We Go From Here?”, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., gave clear instructions. “We must massively assert our dignity and worth.” On this MLK Sunday, we will do as Dr. King instructed us, exploring his words and his work as we learn to love our bodies as an act of resistance – especially if we are people who live within marginalized identities.
Call to Worship: Richard Lopez
Sermon: Rev. Jen Crow
Piano: Franco Holder

Monday Jan 14, 2019
January 13, 2019- The Teaching Body
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Monday Jan 14, 2019
“All our bodies are fundamentally good and lovable (Rachel Martin).” What do you feel when you read this statement? What wells up in your consciousness, in your body? Does your breath come a little easier? Does your jaw relax? This Sunday we explore the goodness of our bodies no matter what shape, size or color, and the ways in which our bodies might teach us a deeper kind of interconnectedness and health.
Call to Worship: Jason Berry
Sermon: Rev. Ruth MacKenzie
Music: Franco Holder

Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
January 6, 2018 - Remembrance Sunday
Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
Wisdom Story: Badger's Parting Gifts, Susan Varley- Lauren Wyeth
Reading: My Mother's Belly, Sonya Renee Taylor - Rev. Elaine Aron Tenbrink
Homily: Rev. Justin Schroeder
Guest Musicians: The OK Factor

Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
December 30, 2018 - Watch Night
Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
Call to Worship: Youth Cultural Exchange
Homily: Rev. Karen Hutt
Piano: Franco Holder