
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
June 11, 2023- Freedom- Not for Ourselves Alone
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
In these days when the circle of who has autonomy over their body and what history we can teach in our classrooms grows smaller and smaller, we are called to remember that freedom is not freedom if it is for the individual, alone. Freedom is individual and collective—a personal experience and decision, and a collective commitment, experience, and responsibility. Universalism invites us to draw the circle wide, and draw it wider still. What does our faith require of us when the circle of freedom is shrinking in our society?
Opening Hymns- Circle 'Round for Freedom and Woyaya- Aimee K. Bryant- (:32)
Words of Welcome- Rev. Jen Crow (8:45)
Story for All Ages- The Stonewall Inn- Rev. Ashley Harness (15:12)
Hymn- Make Channels for the Streams of Love- Aimee K. Bryant (26:33)
Song, Silence, Meditation- Lóre Stevens (28:18)
Practice of Generosity- Rev. Ashley Harness (36:23)
Offertory- Franco Holder (38:24)
Reading- by Marge Piercy- Lóre Stevens and Rev. Jen Crow (41:13)
Anthem- Aimee K. Bryant- (43:24)
Message- Freedom, Not for Ourselves Alone- Rev. Jen Crow (46:39)
Benediction- Freedom is Coming- Aimee K. Bryant and Rev. Jen Crow (1:05:48)

Monday Jun 05, 2023
June 4, 2023- Flower Communion
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
This coming Sunday, June 4, we’re celebrating Flower Communion, and we could use your help! Bring a flower to share with the community (don’t worry: we’ll have more flowers available if you don’t have one). We’ll make a beautiful arrangement with whatever flowers come! At the end, we each get to take a different flower with us as a gift and reminder of beauty in our unity and difference. This special ritual has been performed for years here at First Universalist. And this year marks the 100th anniversary of the very first Flower Communion ever!
Singing to Gather- Come, Sing a Song with Me- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (:29)
Call to Worship- Rev. Jen Crow (2:26)
Introduction to Flower Communion- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (7:07)
Hymn- We Would Be One- (10:35)
Flower Communion Ritual- Rev. Arif Mamdani (14:57)
Prayer and Meditation- Rev. Jen Crow (36:33)
Celebrating Lauren Wyeth- Revs. Jen Crow and Arif Mamdani (41:55)
Practice of Giving and Recieving- Rev. Arif Mamdani (47:29)
Offertory- This Little Light of Mine (52:18)
Benediction- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (55:03)

Thursday Jun 01, 2023
May 28, 2023- Hear the Earth Call: A New American Humanism
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Our humanist roots encourage us to believe in “the common good” as reliably universal–a value that, deep down inside, we all share. What do we do when our experiences of life challenge this idea? The humanist influences of our faith date back centuries to African, Chinese, South Asian and European philosophers. But what kind of humanism do we need in America today?
Singing to Gather- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (:24)
Words of Welcome- Lóre Stevens (8:38)
Singing Together- Hold Everybody Up by Melanie DeMore- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (12:15)
Meditation and Prayer- Lóre Stevens (14:51)
Singing Together - Praise the Source of Faith and Learning- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (22:05)
Practice of Giving and Receiving- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (28:20)
Offertory- Franco Holder, piano (31:00)
Message- Hear the Earth Call: A New American Humanism- Rev. Karen Hutt (32:49)
Singing Together- Woyaya - Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (58:22)
Benediction- Rev. Karen Hutt (1:00:32)

Tuesday May 16, 2023
May 14, 2023- Generation to Generation
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote that “Love, like a carefully loaded ship, crosses the gulf between the generations.” This Sunday, love will make its way across the generations as we dedicate our children, welcome the wisdom of our Coming of Age youth, and care for each other in times of celebration and grief.
Singing to Gather- Gather the Spirit- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Franco Holder (:29)
Call to Worship and Words of Welcome- Lauren Wyeth, Rev. Jen Crow, Lóre Stevens, Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (4:11)
Hymn- Come, Sing a Song With Me- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Franco Holder (8:43)
Child Dedication Ceremony- Lauren Wyeth, Rev. Jen Crow, Lóre Stevens (12:14)
Prayer and Meditation- Rev. Jen Crow (15:24)
Chant- I Will Be Your Standing Stone- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (21:31)
Coming of Age Spiritual Statements- Lóre Stevens, Max, Isla, Rasana, Rev. Jen Crow (26:38)
Practice of Giving and Receiving- Lóre Stevens (46:25)
Offertory- Franco Holder, piano (49:52)
Singing Together- Make Channels for the Streams of Love- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (52:32)
Benediction- Rev. Jen Crow (54:29)
Music for Going- Where You Go, I Will Go, Beloved by Shoshana Jedwab

Tuesday May 09, 2023
May 7, 2023- A Flame that Burns
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Universalism calls us to become flame carriers in apocalyptic times. In community, with souls on fire, we reconstitute the world. Join us for worship with special guest and candidate for UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt as we begin our May worship theme, Carry the Flame.
Opening Hymn- This Little Light of Mine- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (:33)
Words of Welcome- Rev. Jen Crow (4:05)
Story for All Ages- Rev. Arif Mamdani and Rev. Jen Crow (9:11)
Singing Together- Building a New Way- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (21:00)
Prayer and Blessing- Rev. Ashley Harness (24:11)
Practice of Giving- Rev. Ashley Harness (30:15)
Offertory- Franco Holder, piano (34:37)
Reading by Rupi Kaur- Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt, (36:25)
Anthem- Franco Holder (37:59)
Message- A Flame that Burns- Rev. Sofia Betancourt (40:54)
Hymn- The Fire of Commitment - Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (58:46)
Benediction- Rev. Jen Crow and Rev. Sofia Betancourt (1:02:00)

Tuesday May 02, 2023
April 30, 2023- All Beginners Here
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
The Zen practice of shoshin calls us each to bring a “beginner’s mind” to every day we live. This Sunday, as we celebrate how our community has grown with new members, we are reminded to bring this same spirit to our relationships with one another. We can know each other more deeply with fresh curiosity. We can deepen our bonds with fresh compassion. We can build a stronger “we” when each of us takes every opportunity to “tell our story from deep inside and listen with a loving mind.”
Opening Hymn- When Our Heart Is In a Holy Place - Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (:27)
Words of Welcome and Call to Worship- Rev. Ashley Harness (2:59)
New Member Welcome- Come, Come, Whoever You Are- Liz Farmer, Matt Keller, Daryn Woodson (9:04)
Singing Together- Turn the World Around - Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (22:03)
Meditation Prayer and Cycle of Life- Rev. Jen Crow (26:28)
Message- All Beginners Here- Liz Farmer (35:54)
Practice of Giving and Receiving- Rev. Jen Crow (45:31)
Offertory- Franco Holder (47:28)
Singing Together- The Fire of Committment - Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (49:17)
Benediction- Liz Farmer (52:38)
Song for Going- Where You Go, I Will Go, Beloved by Shoshana Jedwab

Monday Apr 24, 2023
April 23, 2023- Hot for Climate
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
The Environmental Justice Team from First Universalist Church leads us through an Earth Day service that invites us to consider what it is that we love in this natural world, and why and how we might get more involved in fighting for it. Join us this Sunday as the team ministers to us through music, story, and personal narrative, and helps chart a pathway of hope for how we might more fully live into our interdependence with the web of existence of which we are a part.
Opening Hymn- For the Beauty of the Earth- Aimee K. Bryant and Franco Holder, piano (:30)
Words of Welcome- Rev. Arif Mamdani (2:53)
Land Acknowledgement- Susan Keller (9:16)
Call to Worship- Bob Freidman (10:39)
Time for All Ages- Cathy Geist (13:53)
Singing Together- Wake Now My Senses- Aimee K. Bryant and Franco Holder, piano (20:59)
Prayer and Meditation- Rev. Arif Mamdani (23:33)
Invitation to Give- Stan Sattinger (31:02)
Message- Hot for Climate- Alix Dvorak (32:56)
Closing Hymn- The Oneness of Everything- Aimee K. Bryant and Franco Holder, piano (55:11)
Benediction- Alix Dvorak (59:10)
Outro Music- Where You Go Will Go, Beloved by Shoshana Jedwab

Monday Apr 17, 2023
April 16, 2023- Only We Are Earthseed
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
62 years ago this week, the first human being went to outer space! Our perspective as Earthlings has never been the same. Life on Earth is the part of the cosmos which relentlessly resurrects. How can we become more responsible stewards of the seeds of Life, both on and beyond Earth? This Sunday, April 16, We invite you to bring the seed paper and annual giving commitment cards which you received in your annual giving campaign packet to share blessings and aspirations!
Opening Hymn- Blue Boat Home (:18)
Words of Welcome and Call to Worship- Lóre Stevens (1:31)
Time for All Ages- Rev. Arif Mamdani and Lauren Wyeth (6:09)
Hymn- This Little Light of Mine (18:03)
Silence and Prayer- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout (21:07)
Practice of Giving and Receiving (28:55)
Offertory- by James Williams; Franco Holder, piano (29:46)
Hymn- Rising Green (31:49)
Message- Only We Are Earthseed- Lóre Stevens (34:42)
Hymn- Touch the Earth, Reach the Sky (49:05)
Benediction- Lóre Stevens (51:26)

Monday Apr 10, 2023
April 9, 2023- Easter Sunday
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
With and without our permission and participation, life is forever seeking resurrection. Relentlessly, life finds a way in the harshest of circumstances, and even out of death comes new life. How might we join with this turning toward life? And how might we rebuild and resurrect ourselves, our relationships, and even this church in the shape of beloved community through our everyday actions? Join us on this multigenerational Sunday as we lean into these questions through story, song, and ritual.
Opening Hymn- Morning Has Come- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout and Aimee K. Bryant (:30)
Words of Welcome and Call to Worship- Rev. Ashley Harness (4:40)
Singing Together- Allelu, Allelu- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout and Aimee K. Bryant (10:07)
Meditation and Prayer- Rev. Ashley Harness (16:45)
Invitation to Give and Receieve- Rev. Ashley Harness (19:23)
Offertory- Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout and Aimee K. Bryant (20:22)
Ritual Stations- Rev. Jen Crow, Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, and Aimee K. Bryant (23:52)
Benediction- from The Book of Delights by Ross Gay- Rev. Jen Crow (46:16)
Postlude- Where You Go I Will Go, Beloved by Shoshana Jedwab (

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
April 2, 2023- Trusting Life
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
As we make the sometimes slow and halting turn toward spring and the emergence of new life, we continue our journey of pausing to pay attention. Together, we pick up the practice of noticing and naming the changes and losses among us and tentatively begin to trust again the turning and motion that life offers. This Sunday, April 2 we join each other in the collective practice of letting go as we do our part to make room for all that is about to emerge.
Opening Hymn- Open the Window- Aimee K. Bryant, Franco Holder (:22)
Words of Welcome and Call to Worship- Rev. Jen Crow (5:11)
Story for All Ages- Little Mole Finds Hope by Glenys Nellist (12:47)
Singing Together- There's a River Flowin' in my Soul - Aimee K. Bryant, Franco Holder (17:09)
Poem- The Thing Is by Ellen Bass- Rev. Jen Crow (20:03)
Singing- A Change is Gonna Come by Sam Cooke- Aimee K. Bryant, Franco Holder (21:20)
Message- Trusting Life- Rev. Jen Crow (25:47)
Meditation and Cycle of Life- Rev. Ashley Harness (42:45)
Reflection on Giving- Kerstin Beyer Lajuzan (51:23)
Offertory- Franco Holder (59:32)
Hymn- Make Channels for the Streams of Love- Aimee K. Bryant, Franco Holder (1:01:31)
Benediction- Rev. Jen Crow (1:03:06)
Postlude- Where You Go I Will Go, Beloved by Shoshana Jedwab